November 2022

Youth Job Connection Success for Sylvester through our Service Hub Partnership
Sylvester was already on our Success Wall when he came in to participate in the Youth Job Connection program. He had been successful gaining a position with FWFN during our YJC Summer program when he was 15 years old. He spent the summer on their mountain crew, cleaning up grounds and setting up for the powwow. He really enjoyed helping to make a hand-built canoe, venturing into swampy areas to find the roots needed for binding.
When Sylvester came in to the YJC program in September, he had a specific job goal. He shared with his YES Youth Worker, Hailee Lyght, that he had foster parents who were diamond drillers. His uncle was a diamond driller as well. Having mentors who could tell him about the industry, made Sylvester laser-focused on his goal. As he made his way through the program’s paid training, our Employer Relations team looked for options for Sylvester. Luckily, our Service Hub partner, Working Warriors provided the ideal opportunity.
Working Warriors is a management platform that assists Indigenous communities with identifying their workforce, assets related to economic development as well as managing their industry partnerships. Working Warriors also acts as a project management tool for employers on major capital projects and operations. What that means for Sylvester, is that Working Warriors has both the knowledge to direct him to the right training for diamond drill mining, and the connections to the mining companies who are actively recruiting. Jamie Saulnier stepped up and took Sylvester on as an employee so he can gain skills as he works toward his goal. Since Working Warriors is now part of our Service Hub, the placement is actually taking place on-site, the same place Sylvester completed his program training.
Now the YES team who helped Sylvester gets to witness his success every day. We want to thank our Service Hub partner Jamie Saulnier at Working Warriors. Jamie is committed to supporting Sylvester through both his short-term and long-term goals. We congratulate Sylvester on his success in taking the first step on the road to becoming a Diamond Driller in the mining industry. We look forward to doing a follow up story once you land that job!
YES serves job seekers of all ages and skill levels. For free professional service call 807-623-0768 or e-mail

YES is thrilled to be working with Contact North and Working Warriors in a formal on-site partnership that provides our clients with excellent employment, training and education options under one roof.
Our Service Hub partnership is off to a great start with Working Warriors bringing together job seekers, communities and employers and linking our clients to employment opportunities in a variety of fields and industries. Contact North | Contact Nord – Ontario’s community-based bilingual distance education and training network – offers online education and training opportunities that are certifiable for learners to complete within their local community. In addition to having a resourceful Education and Training Advisor on-site, Contact North has recently completed the set-up of their AR/VR room—providing a variety of equipment and programs for students to enhance their learning experience. If you’re looking for a safe learning environment to practice newly developed skills or benefit from hands-on engagement and deeper interaction, then consider Contact North’s Extended Reality (XR) Technology Initiative.
Please call Karlie Sheeshka, Education and Training Advisor, if you would like to learn more or try out the equipment!

In November, YES Hub service partner Contact North will be providing information about their e-Channel domain, a web-based literacy training platform that can be used by an individual learning independently or as programming that is blended with personal instruction. This information session will be delivered in person on-site at YES on November 17th, and will be presented again on November 30th within a hybrid delivery for those interested in attending online. Call 807-623-0768 or e-mail to register. For more information, contact Education & Training Advisor, Karlie Sheeshka. Link to our workshop calendar here.

Also on-site at YES are two new workshops delivered by community partner: Thunder Bay Literacy Group. If you want to brush up on your computer or digital literacy skills plan to attend. Call 807-623-0768 or e-mail to register.

Our workshop schedule also includes workshops for employers, featuring a COJG Information session and “How to Post an Effective Job Ad“. Make us part of your recruiting strategy! Contact our Employer Relations team. Call 807-623-0768 or e-mail: