male construction worker
female baker
male truck driver
Female Lab worker

June 2024

No Professional Network?  YES can Help.

Hussain arrived in Canada in late 2023. He was very determined to find work in his field of study. With an impressive educational background and a solid foundation of experience in IT, he started applying for positions with large organizations in the city.  Almost immediately, Hussain started feeling the frustration of the online application cycle.  After 3 months of searching, he rarely received a response after sending out resumes.  When Hussain did hear back from organizations, the feedback about his qualifications was highly positive but no job offers were forthcoming.  With no local connections or professional network, Hussain’s progress was at a standstill.

Hussain decided to try another tactic.  He researched local employment agencies and was impressed by the reviews that YES had online.  When he arrived at YES, we connected him with the Employment Service program and set up a meeting with Career Development Practitioner, Annie Pepin.   That’s when things started turning around for Hussain.  “Annie greeted me with a big smile”, Hussain remembered.  She suggested he broaden his search criteria and sent him relevant job leads often.  She also got Employment Relations Coordinator; Charles Seguin involved.  With a network of professionals in his corner, Hussain finally found a position he was excited about.  Charles recommended a merchandising position with J.N. Webb and Sons Ltd.  He also conducted a mock interview with Hussain to prepare him for his meeting with the company.  The interview went well and Hussain accepted the position.  Although the work is outside his field, there is some crossover in the skill set required.  Hussain quickly identified three key areas that the position fulfilled for him. The position would help him build a network.  It would help him build his confidence.  Finally, the position would provide valuable sales experience and work experience in Canada. 

Hussain was particularly happy about the flexibility of the position and he plans to enroll at Lakehead University to complete his M.B.A.  while working with the company.   He was thrilled with the service he received from YES which turned things around for him quickly.   YES would like to send out a big “Congratulations” to Hussain.  We would also like to thank J.N. Webb and Sons Ltd. for providing this great opportunity. 

Hussain kindly posted the following Google Review on our Business Profile:

If you would like to utilize the services available for free through Employment Ontario programs, just call, e-mail or walk in to YES.

Community Engagement

May 10th marked our clean up day. We had a morning and an afternoon crew go out and clean up the area around YES. The office grounds, both sides of the road along Waterford and the boulevard up to Memorial is now spic and span. Thanks to EcoSuperior for sponsoring the Spring up to Clean up Initiative.

Our leadership team arranged a staff appreciation night on May 17th for YES staff. Thanks for an evening of food and fun and thanks to Montanas Thunder Bay for hosting us!

The first “Stay in the Bay” – Welcome to Newcomer’s Open house was a great success. We were thrilled to be invited by the Thunder Bay Multicultural Association to exhibit at this dynamic and fun filled event. We hope it becomes an annual event. See you next year!

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