March 2024

A Position with the Offer of Management Training for Hannah
YES programs and services are not just for people who are struggling to find work. We serve adults and youth of all ages and skill levels. Job seekers come to YES for different reasons. When you’re new to the city, like Hannah connecting with a job in a new labour market can be a challenge. She moved to Thunder Bay with her child and husband to be closer to their extended family. Fortunately, Hannah knew that Employment Ontario delivery sites provide free personal assistance and after finding YES online, she walked in the door to get help with her resume.
YES staff connected her with Career Development Practitioner, Annie Pepin. Annie worked with Hannah on her resume, looked at her inventory of skills, and talked about her interests and her future. They worked together to ensure that Hannah’s resume emphasized the extensive work experience she had in retail and customer service. With a solid, competitive resume in hand, Hannah “pounded the pavement” looking for opportunities.
When she walked into Man vs. Meat on Lealand Avenue, Hannah got a good feeling about the place right away. It reminded her of the pizza place she had worked at back home in Windsor. Manager Ali Hurst was impressed with Hannah’s resume and her enthusiasm for the position. She needed someone who could be trained to take on some of the management tasks at the business, and even take over for her when she was away. Ali was quick to offer Hannah a position. Because of the offer of management training, Annie was able to negotiate an incentive for Man vs. Meat through the Employment Service program. The business will receive a reimbursement that will help offset the cost of training Hannah to take on some of the management tasks. It’s a win/win for Hannah and Man vs. Meat.
YES would like to extend a huge thank you to manager Ali Hurst at Man vs. Meat for offering Hannah a position where she can gain management skills and experience. Congratulations Hannah! We wish you continued success.
If you would like personal assistance working toward your career goals, Call 807-623-0768 to schedule an appointment. Walk in to our office, or request an appointment.

Professional Development
YES is working to develop cutting edge Career Development strategies to help our clients. Members of our staff and leadership team participated in Sarah Delicate’s innovative training: “Shifting Your Practice” at the Norwester Hotel. This training looks at new methods of service delivery particularly for vulnerable clients. The training even even delves into the use of AI in the field of Career Development. We are thrilled to be participating in this training by Sarah Delicate.