male construction worker
female baker
male truck driver
Female Lab worker

August 2024

Top photo:  Thunder Bay Boys and Girls club provided Bella a job opportunity during our Job Fair.  Row below (left) Nigel Black Manager of Roach's Taxi offered Sache a summer postion (right) Kevin Kuluski at OPS hired on Malachi. Bottom row (left) Gordon was hired by Maintenance Supervisor Mike Beherriell along with eight other young people who will start during C.L.E. set-up (right) and Davion was taken on as a "Junior Pro" by office manager Marco Maddalene at the Thunder Bay Community Tennis Centre.  

Our August newsletter usually focuses on youth clients who have successfully started summer jobs.  This year we wanted to shift the focus to include local businesses who have worked with us to try something new.   Our Youth Job Connection Summer program starts with a week of pre-employment training.   This year, 50 young people started their training on July 2nd right after the long weekend.  The difference this year, was the inclusion of a Job Fair where we provided young people with direct contact to businesses that were ready to offer them an opportunity on the spot.  Picture speed dating meets summer recruitment.  The Job Fair could not have gone better.  Local businesses got to describe the positions they were offering and ask the youth questions.  The youth got to meet with managers and supervisors and ask questions of their own rather than participate in a traditional interview.  The fair matched up the majority of the youth participants with summer placements.  Over the coming weeks, our Employer Relations team had rounded up placement opportunities for the remainder of the participants.

The Employer Relations team at YES would like to thank local businesses for stepping up with great opportunities for youth this summer.   The team really pulled out all the stops to maximize the number of opportunities for the job fair by making connections with new employers and building on their existing relationships with local businesses.  Tracy, Charles, Matthew and Christine are grateful to the following businesses for taking part:  Canadian Lakehead Exhibition, Official Parcel Service – OPS, Community Clothing Assistance, Roach’s Taxi, Montana’s BBQ and Bar, Kelsey’s, Regional Multicultural Youth Council, Thunder Bay Museum, the Thunder Bay Community Tennis Centre, The Fence Man and the Thunder Bay Boys and Girls Club

Join us in congratulating our successful youth clients.  We are so grateful to all the local businesses who continue to offer training, experience and their valuable time to young people in our community.

YES delivers youth programs, but adults are always welcome.  The Employer Service program is available to job seekers of all ages and skill levels.  We are dedicated to meeting the needs of our clients and the businesses we work with. We have been bringing workers and employers together since 1981. 

Connect with us by phone: 807-623-0768, e-mail:, or  request an appointment here:

July Events

Thank you so much to the KZA Organization Team for inviting YES to join the Gull Bay community for your annual street fair on July 25th. We had a blast!

YES provided information to community members at Fort William First Nation during the annual Health Fair on July 8th. We ran into Moffat Makuto from RMYC and Habiba, one of our clients who is placed there for the summer who were also sharing information at the fair.

Welcome to our Summer Students!

YES is always grateful to receive funding through the Canada Summer Job program. This year, we are welcoming two students to the team; Caroline (left) and Julie (right). Their contribution to our Youth Job Connection Summer program delivery has been invaluable. Caroline has taken on the role of Student Youth Worker jumping in with support wherever she is needed. Julia is helping out in our Resource Area as a Student Administrative Assistant. We are thrilled to have you both on board!

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