June 2023

Success for Nesar in Hospitality
Welcoming newcomers to our community works best when we work together. In December 2022, just before Christmas, Nesar left the Caribbean and arrived in Canada via Toronto as a refugee with permanent resident status. Bound for Thunder Bay, Nesar’s first point of contact in the city was the staff at the Thunder Bay Multicultural Association. As part of their assistance with settlement, the TBMA reached out to YES to assist with employment for Nesar. Career Development Practitioner Sharon De Benetti worked with Nesar to explore options, create a resume and find meaningful employment.
With extensive experience in hospitality, Nesar had marketable skills and extensive experience. With the hospitality industry in Thunder Bay still recovering post-pandemic, YES was able to provide a number of options quickly. Within a week of connecting with YES, Nesar had an interview with Delta Hotels by Marriott at the Thunder Bay waterfront.
Nesar’s interview went well and a placement contract was drawn up through the Employment Service program. Nesar’s success in the position was due to the hotel staff recognizing their role in not only providing support and encouragement on the job, but as ambassadors for our city as well. “I appreciate the encouragement and support of Christal, my supervisor. She has been amazing” Nesar explained. Now a permanent member of the housekeeping team, Nesar is grateful for the assistance of the settlement team at TBMA, the YES team who assisted with employment and the team at Delta Hotels by Marriott.
Congratulations to Nesar and a huge “YES” thank you to Delta Hotels by Marriott who continue to provide meaningful employment opportunities for our clients.
If you would like to access the free professional service available at YES, call us at 807-623-0768, e-mail: resource@yesjobsnow.com or book an appointment online.
Welcoming New Staff
From left to right, we would like to welcome Valerie, Barbara, and Anna to the Career Development Practitioner team! Their knowledge and experience are a great asset to YES and to our clients. Welcome aboard!

Community Engagement Highlights
Top left: We made some great connections at the Dennis Franklin Cromarty High School Services and Programs Fair on May 15th. Thank you for the invitation DFC! Top right: YES Employment was at Intercity Shopping Centre on May 3rd for the Service Provider Fair hosted by St. Ignatius and St. Patrick’s Day high schools. Bottom left: A huge YES “thank you” to Hailee and Tia from ONWA’s Youth in Transition Worker and Housing Supports program. They presented information to our staff on May 10th and continue to provide ongoing support to the clients in our programs. Community partnerships are a great way to provide wrap around service to the people we serve. We are grateful for the programs and services available through Ontario Native Women’s Association (ONWA) Bottom right: Our Marketing/Outreach team learned about digital marketing trends that will help YES connect with our community during DIGIMARCON 2023 in Toronto on May 18th and 19th.