June 2020
If you’re feeling overwhelmed by all the changes that are happening in the local labour market, you are not alone. We are all adjusting to a “new normal”. If you want to start taking control of your employment and training goals, we are here to help. Read the strategies listed below. Book an appointment with one of our Career Development Practitioners for free professional assistance or contact us by phone, text or e-mail.
Call: 807-623-0768
Text: 807-633-7990
E-mail: resource@yesjobsnow.com
Your resume is your number one job search tool. Times have changed and even employers who used to prefer in-person resume drop-offs are now accepting only on-line submissions. That means your resume is your first and only introduction to a potential employer.
In a competitive environment, sending out the same general resume with every application just won’t cut it. You need to make sure the skills and experience you highlight on your resume are directly related to the type of work or position you are applying for. If you are responding to a job posting, use the same language used in the posting when describing your skills. This will ensure your resume contains the key words that online application systems use for screening. The first thing an employer sees after your contact information should be a summary of the skills and qualifications that you bring to the table. Make sure this summary is focused on the specific qualifications in the job posting. This might even mean revising that summary each time you apply for a new job. For more information on resume content, format and headings, view our Resume Basics workshop.
We offer free personal assistance with your resume. Book an appointment with one of our Career Development Practitioners.
Sharpening your interview skills is also important. In the “new normal” interviews have gone virtual. Employers are now offering telephone or video interviews and you need to be prepared. Remember when you used to be judged by how firm your handshake was? Now voice and tone need to convey your enthusiasm and confidence.
Preparation is still key. Prepare answers to commonly asked questions like these and practice them (out loud).
What can you tell me about yourself?
How has your training and experience prepared you for this position?
What are your strengths? Do you have any weaknesses?
Why do you want to work here?
This video from Indeed has some great information to help you prepare for video interviews.
If you have an interview lined up, it helps to do a practice interview before the real thing. YES is here to help. Just book an appointment for free assistance from one of our Career Development Practitioners.
YES delivers Employment Ontario programs to help you get back to work. If you have been struggling to find work, or you have experienced a recent lay-off, we can help. Employment programs and services help in a number of ways.
Employment programs give you access to the hidden job market. When you are looking for work, you need access to as many job postings as possible. However, not all jobs are advertised. Unadvertised jobs are often referred to as residing in the “hidden job market”. So why wouldn’t all employers advertise their positions? There are many reasons. Maybe they don’t have anyone dedicated to HR, or they run a small business and can’t carve out time to pour over large numbers of resumes. Often, they turn to YES because they know that we have qualified candidates registered with our programs. It’s a win-win. Our programs are designed to help connect job seekers to meaningful careers, and they also help employers find qualified candidates. If you are registered for a program you have access to more jobs leads.
Employment programs also give you access to personal assistance from a Career Development Professional (CDP). Our CDP’s are experts in identifying your needs and helping you create a plan of action to reach your career and training goals. This is a challenging time. Having a CDP in your corner will help you focus on your future and establish a step-by-step plan to keep you moving forward. From career exploration to re-training options. From resumes to networking. From employer connections to interviews. Your CDP will help you navigate the “new normal” of job search in our community. Book an appointment to meet with a CDP here.
YES Programs:
Employment Service is a program for job seekers of all ages. Find out more about it here.
We also deliver specialized youth programs. Find information about these programs here.
Resilience can carry you through unexpected and rapid changes like no other skill. With restrictions being lifted in our community, we are heading in to a “new normal”. This is uncharted territory. Workplaces and the local labour market have changed dramatically and will continue to change as we move through this unprecedented time. The types of jobs available and how you perform your job will be different. Those who can adjust quickly to these changes will experience the most success.
If you have experienced a lay-off, be ready to apply your skills in a new area of the local labour market. The retail, hospitality and travel sectors were hard hit by the pandemic, while health care, food and agriculture have had a steady demand. As seasonal businesses open, we are also seeing an increase in demand. Be flexible with regard to your job field and know that transferable skills are the key to pivoting your career and filling a labour market gap.
Workplace changes are happening in every job field. Employers need to comply with new government guidelines specific to their sectors to keep their staff and customers safe. Make sure you ask the right questions when you start your new job. Be clear on physical distance measures, personal protective equipment, cleaning regimens and hand-washing requirements.
We hope these strategies help you navigate the “new normal”. We are all in this together. Connect with us during business hours by phone: 807-623-0768, text: 807-633-7990 or e-mail: resource@yesjobsnow.com, or book an appointment and have one of our staff members reach out to you.